“If there is such a thing as being conditioned by climate and geography, and I think there is, it is the West that has conditioned me. It has the forms and lights and colors that I respond to in nature and in art. If there is a western speech, I speak it; if there is a western character or personality, I am some variant of it; if there is a western culture in the small-c , anthropological sense, I have not escaped it. It has to have shaped…

Wally McRae packed The Roxy and brought a little EOB to Missoula, Montana last week for a fundraiser for Rosebud Protective Association. It was spectacular show.

I was sidetracked this weekend by the Library of Congress archival photo collection.  While looking for historic photos of the Tongue River valley I found these spectacular photographs of Montana ranchers counting sheep back in 1939. Evidence that yes, at one time, Rosebud County ranchers raised sheep. I LOVE THEM. Sometimes, you see something so perfect you have to just sit back and appreciate it for awhile. (All photos by Arthur Rothstein, 1915-1985)